How to Configure Training Description Heading

The Training Description Heading component allows web authors to display a training title and a list of properties in TDP which are configured in the respective training listing page (TLP) in “Properties to be displayed on TDP” property and are supposed to be displayed in training detail page. Values of those properties will be available in the page properties of the TDP itself. In case any property which is configured to be displayed but there is no value available in TDP for that property then such properties will not be shown in TDP using this component.

Property Expected Value
Tab: Summary
Title  Training Description Heading
Tab: Display
Component background color options  Grey

Training Description Heading component works in coordination with its respective training listing page because the properties which are supposed to be displayed by training description heading component are configured in its respective training listing page but values are taken from  the page properties of training detail page only. This component also works if we just need to display a title without any properties so in that case training description heading component can be added to any page, for example below.

To understand the authoring of this component when properties to be displayed, please click here. It will take you to a training detail page where a title and some properties are displayed. 

Training Description Heading component without proiperties is shown below.

Training Description Heading